Da penah tgk ke movie nie? Bile aku google ramai org kritik cite nih. Mungkin jln cite agak boring tp bkn jln cite yg aku ingin tonjolkan tp makna yg tersirat dlm cite nih. Actually aku da tgk lama da, tp baru arini aku terpikir nk share dgn korg. 1st time tgk dgn suami kat uma. Lakonan & direct by Chris Rock. Heroin Kerry Washington & Gena Torres. Aku copy & paste synopsis cite tuh kat sini ek. Tp, in English arr.. udah nama pon "Copy" n "Paste" kan..hehehehe
For those who want to watch a comedy movie, then this is not what you are looking for. Yeah it has Chris Rock as the main actor, but in this movie he is not the stand up comedian, and he doesn't wish to make you laugh out silly like he usually does in his TV shows.
The story is about a man, who has been married for seven years, and has become a sex-deprived man because he has not make love for a long time. Things got messier when he met his old flame and he suddenly got attracted to her. She was supposed to be a temptress but I think she looked more like a prostitute looking for customers in broad daylight. But heck, he was still attracted to her, mainly because she offered to give him the thing that his wife wouldn't want to give him anymore. Catch my drift? So the story goes that he began to lose focus in his life, particularly with his family and his job in a bank. All because of the temptress and his stupidity to fall for her charm (and partly due to his other head too).
This story addresses the problem faced by many married couple and I think this movie did a good job in portraying the problem. Sometimes it is hard to understand why many married couple choose to end their marriage, and this movie certainly shed some idea on the problem. Without doubt, a good watch.
The story is about a man, who has been married for seven years, and has become a sex-deprived man because he has not make love for a long time. Things got messier when he met his old flame and he suddenly got attracted to her. She was supposed to be a temptress but I think she looked more like a prostitute looking for customers in broad daylight. But heck, he was still attracted to her, mainly because she offered to give him the thing that his wife wouldn't want to give him anymore. Catch my drift? So the story goes that he began to lose focus in his life, particularly with his family and his job in a bank. All because of the temptress and his stupidity to fall for her charm (and partly due to his other head too).
This story addresses the problem faced by many married couple and I think this movie did a good job in portraying the problem. Sometimes it is hard to understand why many married couple choose to end their marriage, and this movie certainly shed some idea on the problem. Without doubt, a good watch.
So, the summary of this story..
Bagi aku dalam perhubungan, x kira samada hubungan dgn suami/isteri, family, kawan2, bos @ dgn sapa saja yg penting adalah komunikasi. Of coz kasih sayang pon penting. Sex pon penting gak (bagi yg suda berkahwin sahaja ye). Aku bukan cuba nyatakan di sini hubungan aku dan suami bagus sgt.. tp, aku dan suami memang amalkan dlm perhubungan kami ialah komunikasi. Dlm 1 ari (working days), kami mesti berborak. Cite pasal opis ke, pasal itu, pasal ini.. janji berborak. Lau bz @ penat sangat, kami akn pastikan masa makan kami bersama sambil berborak.
Dlm cite nih, "Richard" da lama x having sex dgn wife dia. Dgn alasan wife dia bz n penat. Asal dia nk, wife dia da tido awal. hehehe.. Dia pon paham wife dia penat. Dan perjumpaan secara x sengaja dgn x girlfriend kwn dia yg sexy abih lakonan Kerry Washington, sedikit sebyk mengganggu rumah tangga dia.
Part yang aku suke, masa cite tuh da nk abih.. "Richard" hampir nk make luv dgn Nikki (Kerry), dia teringat kat anak2 dia. Terus dia stop n balik umah jumpa wife dia. Yg aku cuba tekankan di sini ialah.. betul kata ramai orang.. anak2 boleh menyelamatkan hubungan kite suami/isteri.
So, aku xnk cite dgn lebih lanjut. Bg sesiapa yg da tgk, bglah komen korg samada ttg cite nih @ pendapat aku. Aku x kesah. Sedia terima kritikan jikalau ade yg x setuju dgn pendapat aku lebih2 lau pendapat korg leh beri manfaat buat aku dan sume org.
Dan, bg sesiapa yg blom berpeluang tgk citer nih.. korg cari dan tgklah. Lihat makna tersirat yg ada dlm cite nih. It's very good in positive way. Lau da tgk nnt, rajin2 lah bg komen kt sini ye..
Sampai kite berjumpa lagi. Salam ramadhan buat semua.. Mlm nih mlm lailatul qadar.. Selamat beramal.
I Think I Love My Wife - Movie
So, aku xnk cite dgn lebih lanjut. Bg sesiapa yg da tgk, bglah komen korg samada ttg cite nih @ pendapat aku. Aku x kesah. Sedia terima kritikan jikalau ade yg x setuju dgn pendapat aku lebih2 lau pendapat korg leh beri manfaat buat aku dan sume org.
Dan, bg sesiapa yg blom berpeluang tgk citer nih.. korg cari dan tgklah. Lihat makna tersirat yg ada dlm cite nih. It's very good in positive way. Lau da tgk nnt, rajin2 lah bg komen kt sini ye..
Sampai kite berjumpa lagi. Salam ramadhan buat semua.. Mlm nih mlm lailatul qadar.. Selamat beramal.
I Think I Love My Wife - Movie
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