1) Do you think you're hot ?
Yup. Alwaz.. ;p
2) Upload your favourite picture of you!
hurm.. xtau nk pilih mane 1. Banyak sgt. Gadis cumey lah katakan.. kihkih.. tapi yg bwh nih feberet ms rambut kenteng dolu2.. hehehe

lagi satu gambo nih pon aku suke gak.. hehehehe.. nmpk stylo tuh..

3) Why do you like that picture?
sebab org mmg suke tgkap gambo. kalau ikotkan ati sume gambo yg ade muke org sume org suke.. org kan cumey.. (intan & hana.. jgn jeles ok)4) When was the last time you ate pizza ?
hurm.. on raya aji. domino's pizza. beef pepperoni. yummy!! (tghari tuh ari ujan.. perot lapo. kat dapor ade byk mknan tp da boring.. ajak molok g kota dmnsra semata nk mkn domino's..)5) The last song you listen to?
My baby you.. dr blog intan.. hahahha.. & Crush by david archuleta from my pc6) What are you doing right now besides this ?
im so.... so.. so.. bz answer this tag. hahaha.. actually this week very tough.. nex wik we'll having our IIUM book launch.. haiihh~
7) What name would you prefer besides yours?
Aishah cumey.. very sinonim rite.5 People to tag :
1) Afdlin Shauki.. 2) Vern
3) Hana4) Intan
5) Sasha8) Who is number one ?
aku nih dlm diam peminat afdlin shauki. sume movie dia aku tgk wayang. len dr yg len tau.. unik.
lap u abg afdlin 9) Number three is having a relationship with?
such a romantic guy from France.. huhuhuuhuhu
10) Say something about number five?
honestly, im not her big fan.. tp aku suke bce blog dia sb ade byk cite n gambo dia ke sana, ke sini, ke sinun.. travelling.. work..
11) How about number four?
org yg suke cri pasal..cri gado. hahahaha.. (takot) ske tgk blog dia bkn sb dia pon.. sb ank2 dia jke... wek~ (jgn marah nt cpt tua)12) Who is number two?
x PA for ning baizura. byk cite n gambo2 artis dpt aku tgk.. hikhik (aku nih ptt jd artis dr dolu lg tau)