Your Pregnancy: Week 7
Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...
What You're Thinking:
"How can I feel like I'm hung over all day long when I've had nothing to drink in three weeks?"
Your Body
Sometimes certain foods can help relieve the symptoms of morning sickness. Also, blaming your partner for everything has been known to comfort many women in the throes of nausea.
If you're noticing weight loss or dehydration, you could have hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness that occurs very infrequently. Check with your doctor.
Your baby's face is becoming more defined this week. A tiny mouth hole (which will be ready to wail before you know it!), tongue, nostrils and ear indentations are visible. His or her eyes are wide open, but he doesn't have irises (the colored part) yet.
Baby's arm buds are growing. At this point they look more like microscopic ping-pong paddles than arms. Baby's leg buds are also forming and will look like tiny paddles by the end of the week.
Your baby is now between 1/3 and 1/4 inch long—about the length of a Tic Tac and about as heavy as an eyelash. While that sounds tiny, he or she is approximately 10,000 times bigger than at conception. Crazy, huh?
Keeping the cat in the bag for the next five weeks will be tough. But the relief of finally telling your coworkers that you're pregnant—and not gaining weight at an astounding rate—will be a total relief.
Eat It:
Ginger is nature's secret weapon against nausea, but gnawing on a piece of it isn't tasty. Luckily, tossing it in pancakes is. By the way, when you're pregnant, it's perfectly acceptable to eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.